It's time to travel .... Easier & Safer
Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
You've just taken your first step to relaxing and enjoying the advantages of "Engineered" travel. Whether it's well deserved "down time" vacationing with family, friends, loved ones, a solo exploration, OR a business trip, you've found your site with intelligent options.
Engineered Travel researches assistive technology (AT), through Universal Design (UD), to make traveling "easier" & "safer", for ALL travelers. We also specialize in finding products and services for the Pwda (People with different abilities - not disabilities) community. We are a consumer "field" research & review travel oriented company ... (NOT a travel agency), that will offer information, product or services referrals, and products. We are your legs, eyes, and ears at tech conferences, trade shows, lectures, expos, and symposiums, that you may not make it to; we seek out and contact, inventors, technologists, companies, or organizations, for products or services you may not have heard about or not yet seen. We do "original" field research, endeavor to work with the products or utilize the services ourselves and seek to then "apply" our findings. We then filter through the possibilities and bring back that information to you in a condensed format via the Internet. Our company logo (above) exemplifies what we are all about. You can read about our unique logo on our FAQ page.
Please pardon our on-going "work in progress" web site but like any research project we're building, in phases, to introduce you to better travel advantages. Check out our More Info page for added features coming your way in the future. "Future" may be once a calendar quarter or annually as technology and innovations come of age.